Leverage Curves

Helps with shock choice or Bike frame selection

Bike Model Specifications
Leverage, Shock Recommendations and Tuning options

Choose from Bike Lists Below:

Example Build Sheet

Choose from Bike Lists Below:

Current list of Bikes


Last update January 2025


Current list of E-Bikes


Last update July 2024


Current list of Progressive
(17% or more) Linkage bikes that are coil Compatible


Last update March 2024

Current list of Progressive
(25% or more) Linkage bikes that are coil Compatible


Last update March 2024

Current list of Bikes lower Leverage
(2.45 to 1) average leverage for heavier riders


Last update October 2024


Have us create a list of Bikes with your Parameters




Progressive Linear
High Leverage Progressive Linear


Progressive Beginning
Linear Ending

Best for Coil

Travel can be limited with Air

Best for Coil

Works for Air with Large Volume Cans

Best for Coil

Spring Rate Issues for Heavier Riders
Best with Coil with
Botttom-out control

Compromise for
Progressive /
Regressive /
Low Leverage
High Leverage
Best with Air

Coil with Extra
Compromise for Coil/Air

Best for Pedaling
Compromise for Coil/Air

Best for Pedaling
Best Heavier Riders
Best with Air

Pressure to High for
Heavier Riders
Low Leverage
Low Leverage
Ending Regressive
Best with Air

Coil with Extra
Botttom-out Limited
Best with Air

Will not Work
with coil

General characteristics for each Linkage

What is involved in getting your suspension modified, tuned and setup when you place an order, call or e-mail us?

1. When you call or e-mail us we will recommend the best shock and fork choice and create a worksheet for your bike model and rider info.
2. Our Expert System looks up and cross references in our database and calculates the spring rates (air shocks where needed) needed for your bikes leverage, travel and rider info.
3. Your custom modification parts and springs are selected from our inventory and added to the customer data sheet.
4. We send quotes for our recommendations along with the customer data sheet with bike specifications, and based on the customers choices generate an invoice for down payment to get the customer in our queue.
5. Our AI generated valving and tuning data is determined by comparing our previous customer data, database and test data for that bike to recommend the best valving and setup data choice, which we tailor to the specific requirements provided and discuss the final choice with the customer.
6. Our office manager will estimate based on our current backlog and work with you as to when your suspension can be shipped to us to begin the work.
7. Follow up emails are incorporated into the work orders to keep any changes up to date on your work sheet, as changes are generally easy to incorporate.
8. Your work is generally completed within the week it is sent to us, any issues found or that might arise will be discussed with the customer and can be corrected if needed.
9. The completed work is shipped with the components set to the starting recommended settings along with a setup sheet for your records.
10. Follow up calls and e-mails from the customer to help with installation or setup are handled by personal phone calls when possible and e-mail if calling is inconvenient.


