20mm/21.2mm Cartridge Revalving Kits
MidValve Tuning Shim Kits, ReValve Tuning Shim Kits and Special Tools

Custom Valving and Midvalves are included in all our Cartridge Kit Assemblies.
These are only needed if you want to change or modify your set-up down the road.

MidValves will prevent fork dive from heavy braking, jump faces or rolling bumps.

The MidValve tuning kit contains an assortment of shims that can be stacked in front of the rebound check plate to vary the stiffness of the midvalve.
Also spacer shims are provided to allow the check plate to limit the flow on very low speed fork movements by reducing or increasing the gap or "Float" that the check plate can open.
Because the check plate is stacked with shims, at higher fork speeds the MidValve
and check plate will open completely allowing the MidValve to flow more oil without any harshness.
The MidValve can be tailored to your type of riding by changing the shim configuration to increase the gap or "Float"
and or change the stiffness of the stack to determine at what speed the MidValve transitions to a check valve.

Compression Valves

The optional ReValve kit allows the user to revalve and custom setup the cartridge kit for and any condition or rider style
. Includes all the shims needed to revalve the rebound and compression systems for one cartridge. Instructions available for download here:

Download: 20mm Cartridge Kit Optional Revalving and MidValve Procedure (53.2 MB)

Exploded View
Complete MidValve shown in lower left
Revalve Kit shown on right




20 mm, Fvat/HSB, 21.2mm or Marzocchi EVO Compression
Revalve Shim Kits

Revalve Shim Kits

Retail price $49 each

If you install it yourself make sure you have the proper tools for disassembly or be sure to add them to your cart.




Shown Assembled on end of cartridge rod Complete MidValve shown just ahead (the left side) of rebound piston



Complete Midvalve assembly for older dampers
20/21.2 mm Cartridge MidValve Kit
(21.2 mm fits DHF Models)


Complete MidValve

Retail price $49





Cartridge Kit disassembly Tools
23.5 mm /10 mm & 3/8 inch shaft clamp

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